You may be thinking, "I am just one person. How much of a difference can I make?" The consequences of your actions are huge. Take a few minutes to find out some easy ways to change your ways and lesson your footprint on this earth.
Be inspired to be the change that you wish to see!
(Scroll down for sustainable vows you can make starting today!)
Faith Evans Sills
This is one artist who really knows how to live in the moment and take in the beauty of her surroundings - living life to the fullest and taking advantage of each opportunity that comes her way. In fact, Sills is a native of New York and decided in 2011 to move to Charleston, South Carolina to be closer to nature and the beach. Her glass always seems to be at least half full, and rightly so since beauty is in nature and nature surrounds.
Sills is a multi-media artist, but what really caught our eye is the naturally derived mandalas and designs created from elements found in nature.
Check out our curated picks below, then take a moment to really get to know her via her blog. IG is @faithevanssills or you can click here.
The Artist
& the Artist Farmer
Healing the spirit...
Instead of thinking a work of art must be permanent, archival and museum-worthy, why not try for a day to create for the pure enjoyment. Like kids who gather fallen seeds and wonder upon the different shades of leaves fallen from the same tree, they carefully craft a masterpiece out of the natural elements surrounding them. See the beauty around you. Touch it, smell it, taste it. Our earth is the canvas; nature is the pallette.
Our Earth as our Canvas:
If our earth is the canvas and nature is the pallette, why not design our outdoor spaces the way we want them. Do we want a useless slab of toxins beneath our feet, or the nutrient-rich soil that feeds our belly and spirit. As Ken Dunn, The Resource Center's founder puts it, there seems to be a sense of urgency in the need for change. "The world has lost its meaning. We've got to get back to real things. That is the realm of the artist and the artist farmer. The farmer is only successful if he observes and pays attention to the needs of the farm."
Sustainable Vows for The Artist:
"As we all aspire to be responsible to all of the people and things we are in contact with, let's daily broaden our reach." - Ken Dunn
As an artist farmer, it is my obligation to share my knowledge of farming in order to benefit the earth and future generations.